Let's Talk Fridays

Sharing for inspiration

Let's Talks are irregular informal discussion meetings that take place on Friday afternoons at several locations in groups of 5-20 passionate teachers on topics of interest, usually three times a year. Teachers share their experience, ideas and insights on the topic and inspire each other. Discussions can be moderated. Occasionally, interesting guests, such as textbook authors or teachers with international experience, are invited. Participants can decide on the topics in advance. Let's Talk meetings are held in Czech or English, depending on the mix of participants.

Upcoming meetings
Why participate?

Are you facing a challenge in your practice, want to learn more about a professional topic or just need a bit of inspiration? Come and talk to other teachers about it and get insights and ideas you can utilise in your teaching.

How can I propose a discussion topic?

You can suggest topics for each meeting via a web form under the link below, at a previous meeting or, if time allows, at a running meeting itself.

Where and when is the next meeting?

Dates and locations of the meetings are listed as space and time permits and are announced by email and on this website. Due to capacity restrictions, it is necessary to register for each meeting in advance.

How much will it cost me?

There is no charge for Let's Talk meetings as such. However, we would be grateful for a small drop-a-coin-into-a-box  voluntary contribution for refreshments.

Suggest a topic

Upcoming events

Let's Talk Fridays

Click on event title for details